Bronwen Saunders
Translator & Editor
Amerbachstrasse 104
CH-4057 Basel
Tel: +41 61 681 91 85
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The content of Bronwen Saunders’ website is copyrighted material. Bronwen Saunders nevertheless grants you the right to store or copy the texts published here either in full or in part, provided you require them for your own personal or business-related purposes. You are not permitted to charge a fee for passing on the contents of this website to third parties. Furthermore, the copyright also prohibits the storage and reproduction of images or graphics from this website.
All the information on this website was compiled in good faith. Despite the due care taken, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy and completeness of the information published here.
Web design
design: Heike Ossenkop/ h.o.pinxit, Basel. www.hopinxit.ch
technical realization: Marlen Miggler /migg communications, Laufenburg. www.migg.de
on the home page: © Thomas Löhr 2011
portrait: © Sophie Löhr 2017
Bronwen Saunders, as at 25/01/2020 |